Fracturing Tree

Fracturing tree is an important part for fracturing equipment.  It comprises of several fracturing gate valves and fracturing head.

Main functions of Frac tree

It is input into fracturing head through several fracturing manifold. It is input into fracturing gate valve to perform  fracturing production. It controls medium access through fracturing gate valve switch. Now, the fracturing tree  manufactured by SCOTON has maximum drift of 7-1/16"and  maximum pressure of 20000psi. The main part of our fracturing is fracturing valve which has acquired patent for national  invention and patent for utility model. Fracturing technology  adopted bySCOTONis internationally advanced technology.

Basic Parameters of Fracturing tree

  • Main Drift: 4-1/16", 5-1/16", 7-1/16"
  • Working Pressure:10000psi, 15000psi, 20000psi
  • Temperature Level: KU
  • Material Class: AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, HH
  • Specification Level: PSL1~PSL4



Koomey Unit (BOP Control System)

Top drive Floating Cushion Sub

Dual Completion Wellhead